St. Joseph Catholic School offers a rigorous academic program for students, where students work independently and collaboratively to produce quality work.  Our school offers daily instruction in Religion, Reading, Language, Writing, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies.

Curriculum Highlights

Core Curriculum

Our faculty designs their curriculum using the following national and state standards:

ReligionArchdiocese of Los Angeles Religion Standards – based upon the Catechism of the Catholic Church

Reading, Language, and WritingCalifornia Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy

MathematicsCalifornia Common Core State Standards – Mathematics

ScienceNext Generation Science Standards

Social StudiesCalifornia History Social Science Content Standards


Report Cards/Progress Reports 

Report cards are issued three (3) times a year to students in grades K – 8 during the week following the end of the trimester.  Alpha-K students receive a progress report at the end of each semester (two times a year). Progress reports are posted weekly on Mondays for parents and students to view on SchoolSpeak.

Standardized Testing

The STAR Assessments from Renaissance Learning is administered to grades AK – 8 four times a year.  The assessments are 35-question timed, online tests to measure student ability in Early Literacy, Reading, and Mathematics.  Results are shared with teachers, parents, and administrators.


We believe homework provides an opportunity for children to review, practice, and enrich what they learned during the school day.  It also helps children develop self-discipline and work habits.  Finally, homework allows parents to be the primary educators of their children, with the teacher’s support and guidance as children walk through the curriculum.  

Average homework time allotments for the average student:

  • AK-K: 15 minutes
  • Gr. 1 – 2: 30 minutes
  • Gr. 3 – 4: 1 hour
  • Gr. 5:  1 – 1 ½ hours
  • Gr. 6 – 8: 2 – 2 ½ hours
Grading Scale

The following letter grades are given in 3rd through 8th grade for academic achievement:

  • =  93 – 100% A = 4 points
  • B+ =  90 – 92% B = 3 points
  • B =  87 – 89% C = 2 points
  • B- =  85 – 86% D = 1 point
  • C+ =  80 – 84%
  • C =  75 – 79%
  • C- =  70 – 74%
  • D =  65 – 69%
  • F =  64% and below

The following letter grades are given in Kindergarten through 2nd grade:

  • O =  Outstanding
  • G =  Good
  • S =  Satisfactory
  • NI =  Needs Improvement
Honor Roll

Students in Grades 5-8 are recognized for their academic achievement each trimester through Honor Roll.

  • Distinguished Honors
    • GPA (overall) of 4.0 and an “O” in Behavior and Work Habits
  • 1st Honors
    • GPA (overall) of 3.5 or above
  • 2nd Honors
    • GPA (overall) of 3.0 or above
  • No C, D, F, S, or NI in any subject area including Spanish, Art, Music, PE, and Computer
  • No S or NI in any of the following areas:  Work Habits, Conduct/Behavior