The St. Joseph School Catholic School Community is a faith community of disciples dedicated to deepening their relationship with Christ through Prayer, Worship and Service.
We at St. Joseph Catholic School participate in the Church’s mission of education by providing a Catholic environment of Christian life and learning. We strive to integrate the Gospel values in our daily lives and encourage our students to grow in their relationship with God, in their self-esteem and in their respect for one another.
Religion Curriculum
Our students receive daily religion instruction based upon the Archdiocese of Los Angeles Religion Standards. The Religion Standards are based upon the Catechism of the Catholic Church and include
school-wide Living our Faith standards and grade-level content standards.
The Living our Faith standards are consistent from TK-8 and are intended to extend beyond
Religion class to all aspects of the school.
Through an active prayer life, our students strengthen their relationship with Christ, thus strengthening them to intentionally perform the Spiritual Works of Mercy.
Monday Assembly and Weekday Morning Prayer
Child’s Morning Offering, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Prayer to St. Joseph.and Litany of Saints:
8th Grade Saint Maximilian Kolbe
7th Grade Saints Francis and Clare
6th Grade Saint Damien of Molokai
5th Grade Saint Joan of Arc
4th Grade Saint Katharine Drexel
3rd Grade Saint Terese of Lisieux
2nd Grade Saint John Bosco
1st Grade Saint Juan Diego
Kinder Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
Alpha K Saint Jude
Afternoon Prayer
September: Guardian Angel Prayer
October: Hail Mary
November: Act of Contrition
December: Magnificat
January: Gloria
February: Confiteor
March: Apostle’s Creed
April: Nicene Creed
May: Hail Holy Queen
June: Come, Holy Spirit
Annual Class Retreats
Each class participates in a day of retreat, designed to deepen the prayer-life of our students. Please keep each class in prayer in a special way during the month of their annual retreat:
Alpha K May
Kinder May
1st Grade April
2nd Grade March
3rd Grade February
4th Grade January
5th Grade December
6th Grade November
7th Grade October
8th Grade September
The school community attends Mass weekly on Tuesdays and observes all Holy Days of Obligation and Special Observances. Each week, a class is assigned to prepare and lead the Liturgy. In addition, each class prepares and leads one Sunday, 8:30 am Mass per year.
Students participate in Benediction and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every 2nd Friday of the month.
St. Joseph students live the Corporal Works of Mercy through their participation in school-wide and class service projects.
School Wide Service Projects
Feed a Baby and Socks – September – Shelter the Homeless, Feed the Hungry
Food – October – Feed the Hungry
Blankets – November – Shelter the Homeless
Teddy Bears – December – Visit the Imprisoned
Cards – January – Bury the Dead
Rice Bowl– February – Give Drink to the Thirsty
Food – March – Feed the Hungry
Book Drive – April – Visit the Sick
Homeless Kits – May – Shelter the Homeless